Thursday, 29 December 2022

Lit Mag Advent A-Z: The Full List

So I had an idea for a series of Twitter advent posts of stories/poems I love from different online lit mags, and for an added challenge I figured is could be an A-Z (so would actually end on Boxing Day). They are all on Twitter under the hashtag #LitMagAdventAtoZ, but if you missed any of them they are all listed here as well, for completeness.

I dug back into stories I had bookmarked in the past, so they are not all from 2022, although some of them are. Quite impressed I managed the whole alphabet, considering I didn't have a full list prepped when I started. And some letters had more choices that others, so the number of pieces/lit mags featured each day ranged from 1 to 5.

Anyway, without further ado, here they all are...