Tuesday, 21 July 2020

June Reading Round-Up

June was a pretty full-on month work-wise, so didn't finish any books (although I did squeeze in some reading along the way). 

The problem(/benefit) of following a lot of wonderful writers and small/indie presses on Twitter is that I keep coming across new and exciting books and adding to my TBR pile (it's getting pretty precarious), so I really need to make some quality reading time and dig in to some of them! I have this week off work, so this will be me for some of the time at least:

But I did still collect some links to things I stumbled across and loved, to share here, so without further ado here are my June recommendations for stuff you can read online...

Monday, 13 July 2020

May Reading Round-Up

Falling behind again, but circumstances still being what they are... you know!

Part of the point of documenting what I'm reading (even if it's only for me) is an attempt to read more widely and finish books on my TBR list (I have a tendency to re-read old favourites a lot), read outside of my default comfort zone (which is SFF/speculative), and also read more deliberately around the genre(s) I want to write in, which currently includes interesting/weird short fiction and books that draw heavily on folklore. You can't write a genre you don't read!

So, in May I finished two books, and while I haven't wandered very far from my comfort zone yet, this month I did cover the last goal: both folklore and short fiction.