Tuesday, 21 July 2020

June Reading Round-Up

June was a pretty full-on month work-wise, so didn't finish any books (although I did squeeze in some reading along the way). 

The problem(/benefit) of following a lot of wonderful writers and small/indie presses on Twitter is that I keep coming across new and exciting books and adding to my TBR pile (it's getting pretty precarious), so I really need to make some quality reading time and dig in to some of them! I have this week off work, so this will be me for some of the time at least:

But I did still collect some links to things I stumbled across and loved, to share here, so without further ado here are my June recommendations for stuff you can read online...

End of the Line by Matt Kendrick (in Splonk) - I like the sense of history in this, both the personal history of the character, the history of the tree, and how they are connected. Plus the details are wonderful.

It Was the Horse That Killed Her by Matt Kendrick (in Retreat West) - Another one by Matt! A clever twist on something familiar, with a creepy edge. I got part way through this before twigging what the inspiration was - see how long it takes you...

Vagabond Mannequin by K.B. Carle (in Jellyfish Review) - A hermit crab flash is a story written in the form of something else (e.g. a recipe), and this one is a crossword: clues and answers. It's amazing how much story can be conveyed when this is done well, and this is a stunning example.

Things the spirit living inside the west wind brought to Abby's house after the terrible storm by Cislyn Smith (in Daily Science Fiction) - A list-format flash, featuring lovely imagery, and that sense of the fantastical within normality that I always really like.

Unfettered and Alive by Kathy Fish (in Waxwing) - A story that tumbles over itself as it builds and uses repetition and an unreliable narrator to drip feed the reader information about what actually happened. Plus it features a Joni Mitchell song, and I LOVE Joni Mitchell.

Don't Ask an Anglerfish to Smile by Alexandria Baisden (in Corvid Queen) - I'm a bit obsessed with water/ocean themed writing at the moment, and this poem ticks that box as well as having a dark side and a layered message.

Of Photography and Truth by Jason Jackson (in Fractured Lit) - A sequence of micros; I like the way each brief image comes together with the others to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, allowing the reader to fill in the gaps in between.

The Patron Saint of Fury by Carolyn Oliver (in Milk Candy Review) - A stunningly gorgeous tiny micro, with beautiful language and imagery.

Night Children by Nikolaj Volgushev (in Cease, Cows) - This is interesting and exactly my kind of creepy and drew me in from the first few lines. I want to know more about this world.

I have a few topics in mind that I want to write posts about if I can manage to get around to them, based on things I have been doing this year and also things I have not been able to do but am missing, so you never know, if you're very lucky you might get a post from me soon that is about something other than my reading habits, but for now that's your lot!

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